Sean Holcroft goes to #wp10

Thought I’d post who I am and what I do to get the Manchester blog going.

I work for Delineo as their Back-end web developer, specialising in the LAMP stack.
This mainly includes WordPress site setup, maintenance, server management, Code Igniter projects, procedure documentation, consultation and recommendations toward new work.

I began developing with WordPress back on version 3.2 in 2010, since then I’ve built anything from 1 page sites right through to systems with API integration and above 2000 pieces of content.
It’s one of the reasons to love WordPress the versatility of the platform, such as the fact I’m writing this sat on the bus using my iPhone.

It’s great how far WordPress has come over the last decade, I’m sure it’ll feature as one of my tools of choice in the future, even now I’ve got 4 WordPress projects on the go 🙂

In addition to the above I run my own company, anroft ltd. Admitedly my own website isn’t done, but most busy developers don’t have the time for their own site.

Looking forward to tonight, not quite sure how well I’ll do on the quiz.

@LupMqr: RT “@simunza: @BongoHive you guys got cake to celebrate WordPress 10th anniversary when I’m out of town #jealous” #wp10 #lusaka