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WP MeetUp @Startbucks, Powai, Mumbai.
Cheers! Long live WordPress!
10 years of wordpress – 10 little wishes by berlin users and admins
a little wish list by berlin users and admins …
Give me ten 🙂
01 _ keep going
02 _ multilingual support by core
03 _ easy access for custom post types/fields
04 _ more sophisticated user role functions by core
05 _ PHP Data Objects (PDO) Support (SQlite etc.)
06 _ better xml & csv support/integration (import/export)
07 _ xml/rdf post type
08 _ core plugins (customize your ideal installaton & keep installation lean)
09 _ group, arrange & define sets of plugins (and make comments) and define child plugins (like child themes)
10 _ common userlogin for multi-plattform websites (wordpress, mediawiki etc. combinations) (complex openID)